FINLAND’S strongest man & Woman 2024

Time: 3.-4.8.2024
Location: Katariinan tori, Lappeenranta

Live Competition Results
Competition Livestream

Weekends Schedule

Saturday, August 3, 2024
11:00 AM Women’s Competition
2:00 PM Arm Wrestling Supermatch during the break
3:00 PM Men’s Competition

Sunday, August 4, 2024
11:00 AM Women’s Competition
2:00 PM Arm Wrestling Supermatch during the break
3:00 PM Men’s Competition

The winner of the men’s competition will qualify for a Strongman Champions League event later in the 2024 season.

The event is open to the public free of charge.


The previous champions will qualify directly for the finals and the remaining places will be filled through qualification.
There will be three qualifying competitions for each series, with the top three in each of these competitions claiming a place in the final.

1. Salla Romo
2. Laura Koskenniemi
3. Jonna Pohjola
4. Mirka Valo
5. Suvi Keinänen
6. Riia Nieminen
7. Mari Kauppinen
8. Tessa Salmela
9. Suvi Naukkarinen
10. Heli Hietanen

1. Mika Törrö
2. Severi Allonen
3. Henry Ollila
4. Tuomas Lindroos
5. Jesse Pynnönen
6. Teemu Janhunen
7. Taisto Apilasaho
8. Niko Nurmi
9. Petri Tapaninaho
10. Matti Vaaraniemi

Men U105
1. Antti Uimonen
2. Jiri Grönman
3. Kari Savolainen
4. Joni Taivassalo
5. Matias Hyry
6. Mikko Raitanen
7. Jaakko Myllyniemi (Teemu Pohto got injured and Jaakko was selected in)
8. Oliver Ekman
9. Matti Vornanen
10. Tino Näkkilä

Event Descriptions for Finland’s Strongest Man and Woman Final 2024


First Competition Day: 03.08.2024

  1. Truck Pull
    • The competitor pulls a vehicle combination by sitting and pulling on a rope. The distance is about 20 meters, and the fastest time wins. If the competitor cannot pull the truck to the finish line within the time limit (60 seconds), the distance is measured.
  2. Viking Press
    • The competitor performs as many repetitions as possible with a weight of about 145 kg. The event starts on the head judge’s signal and lasts for 60 seconds. Each lift must be clearly completed with elbows locked before the next lift. No dipping is allowed; the legs must be straight before the arms. The weight can be rested on the rack and then continued. The competitor with the most repetitions wins.
  3. Axle Deadlift
    • A paired event where competitors lift a 50 mm thick axle weighing 300 kg as many times as possible. The competitor stands on a platform with a lifting height equivalent to a standard deadlift. Belts and lifting straps are allowed, but lifting suits are not. The lift is complete when the shoulders are back, and knees are straight. The judge will signal when the lift is complete. The axle must come to a complete stop on the ground before the judge signals for the next lift. Time limit: 75 seconds. The competitor with the most repetitions wins.
  4. NOCCO Tank Carry (Farmer’s Walk)
    • The competitor carries 120 kg weights to the finish line. If the weights drop before reaching the finish line, the competitor can continue within the 60-second time limit. The course is 20 + 20 meters. The competitor turns around a cone at the end and walks back to the starting line. The fastest time wins, and if the competitor does not finish within the time limit, the distance is measured.
  5. Windlass
    • The competitor pulls a weight of approximately 160 kg up a 6-meter distance with a rope within a 60-second time limit. The fastest time wins, and if the lift is not completed, the distance is measured.

Second Competition Day: 04.08.2024

  1. Combination Event (Farmer’s Walk and Fingal’s Finger)
    • The competitor carries a 400 kg frame for 20 meters and then flips a 220 kg Fingal’s Finger once within a 75-second time limit. The fastest time wins, and if the task is not completed, the distance carried is measured. An intermediate time is taken for the Farmer’s Walk portion.
  2. Log Press LMS
    • The competitor lifts a log from the ground to straight arms, and the lift is accepted when the judge signals. The log must be lowered back to the mats after the lift. Each lift has a 30-second time limit, starting from the judge’s signal. The Last Man Standing format means there is no limit on the number of attempts. The event ends for each competitor when they fail a lift. Competitors may skip weights if desired. Weights: 120kg – 130kg – 140kg – 145kg – 150kg – 155kg – 160kg, then 2.5kg increments until a winner is determined. The competitor who lifts the heaviest weight wins.
  3. Conan’s Wheel
    • An individual event where the competitor carries a 220 kg weight in their arms around a circular track. When the weight drops, the distance is measured, and the longest distance wins. No time limit.
  4. Front Hold
    • A paired event where competitors hold a 32 kg object with straight arms in front of them. The hips and shoulders must stay in contact with a stand behind the competitor, and feet must remain within a marked area with knees straight. The competitor who holds the weight the longest wins.
  5. Atlas Stones
    • A paired event where the competitor lifts four stones onto a platform. The first three stones are lifted into a machine bucket, and the last stone onto a platform. Stone weights: 120 – 200 kg. Time is recorded for the last three stones. Time limit: 60 seconds.


First Competition Day: 03.08.2024

  1. Truck Pull
    • The competitor pulls a vehicle combination by sitting and pulling on a rope. The distance is about 20 meters, and the fastest time wins. If the competitor cannot pull the truck to the finish line within the time limit (60 seconds), the distance is measured.
  2. Viking Press
    • The competitor performs as many repetitions as possible with a weight of about 80 kg. The event starts on the head judge’s signal and lasts for 60 seconds. Each lift must be clearly completed with elbows locked before the next lift. No dipping is allowed; the legs must be straight before the arms. The weight can be rested on the rack and then continued. The competitor with the most repetitions wins.
  3. Axle Deadlift
    • A paired event where competitors lift a 50 mm thick axle weighing 180 kg as many times as possible. The competitor stands on a platform with a lifting height equivalent to a standard deadlift. Belts and lifting straps are allowed, but lifting suits are not. The lift is complete when the shoulders are back, and knees are straight. The judge will signal when the lift is complete. The axle must come to a complete stop on the ground before the judge signals for the next lift. Time limit: 75 seconds. The competitor with the most repetitions wins.
  4. NOCCO Tank Carry (Farmer’s Walk)
    • The competitor carries 80 kg weights to the finish line. If the weights drop before reaching the finish line, the competitor can continue within the 60-second time limit. The course is 20 + 20 meters. The competitor turns around a cone at the end and walks back to the starting line. The fastest time wins, and if the competitor does not finish within the time limit, the distance is measured.
  5. Windlass
    • The competitor pulls a weight of approximately 100 kg up a 6-meter distance with a rope within a 60-second time limit. The fastest time wins, and if the lift is not completed, the distance is measured.

Second Competition Day: 04.08.2024

  1. Combination Event (Farmer’s Walk and Fingal’s Finger)
    • The competitor carries a 260 kg frame for 20 meters and then flips a 150 kg Fingal’s Finger once within a 75-second time limit. The fastest time wins, and if the task is not completed, the distance carried is measured. An intermediate time is taken for the Farmer’s Walk portion.
  2. Log Press LWS
    • The competitor lifts a log from the ground to straight arms, and the lift is accepted when the judge signals. The log must be lowered back to the mats after the lift. Each lift has a 30-second time limit, starting from the judge’s signal. The Last Woman Standing format means there is no limit on the number of attempts. The event ends for each competitor when they fail a lift. Competitors may skip weights if desired. Weights: 70kg – 75kg – 80kg – 85kg – 90kg, then 2.5kg increments until a winner is determined. The competitor who lifts the heaviest weight wins.
  3. Conan’s Wheel
    • An individual event where the competitor carries a 150 kg weight in their arms around a circular track. When the weight drops, the distance is measured, and the longest distance wins. No time limit.
  4. Front Hold
    • A paired event where competitors hold a 16 kg object with straight arms in front of them. The hips and shoulders must stay in contact with a stand behind the competitor, and feet must remain within a marked area with knees straight. The competitor who holds the weight the longest wins.
  5. Atlas Stones
    • A paired event where the competitor lifts four stones onto a platform. The first three stones are lifted into a machine bucket, and the last stone onto a platform. Stone weights: 50 – 120 kg. Time is recorded for the last three stones. Time limit: 60 seconds.

Note: Tacky is allowed only for use in the stone lifting event! The competition management reserves the right to make changes. The final decision is made by the competition management.